Showing 8 Result(s)

A letter to my Fears

My lovely Fears, I’m writing this letter to thank you for what you’ve done for me over the years. If it wasn’t for you, maybe I would have ended up jumping off a cliff without a rope, or driving recklessly and risking other people’s lives. You’ve been looking after me during all those years and …

the Monday motivation illusion

The illusion of #MondayMotivation

Many people out there think that they need some Monday motivation. If you’re one of those, stop deluding yourself and think about it. Monday is the beginning of the week, even if you’re stuck in a mundane job or routine, there’s always something you can start on a Monday. If one needed motivation for Monday, …

how to make better decisions

Decisions, decisions, decisions

We make decisions every day. Small ones, big ones. Decisions ranging from what to wear to who to spend our time with and how much effort to put in at work. There is a crazy statistic that each day an adult makes about 3,000 decisions every day. Researchers at Cornell have found that people make …